
Sunday School

Sunday School is held each Sunday morning promptly at 9:30 a.m. Through the Sunday School, Christians are taught to live your faith. It’s the responsibility of each Christian to be guided by truth and to recognize his/her dignity as a true child of God. Sunday School teachers’ meeting is held each Wednesday evening following the Nurture lesson.



Jessie Robinson (Young Adults)

George Eddins (Women)

James Jones (Men)

Marian Green (Young Adults)

Betty Gordon (Women)

Minnie Payne (Women)

B. L. Hooks (Men & Women)


Nursery/Beginners (2 - 5yrs.)

Primary (6 - 8 years)

Junior Boys (9 - 11 years)

Junior Girls (9 - 11 years)

Seniors (15 - 18 years)


Intermediate (12 - 14 years)


Sunday School Workers Recognition Banquet

Mothers’ Day

Children’s Day



Graduates Recognition

Fathers’ Day

Night Sunday School

Nurture/Wednesday Night Services

This ministry seeks to nurture and train Christians, as well as reach out to the unbelieving world through the study of God’s Word. God gives gifts to some of his people to enable them to counsel, and train the Christian family along the steps of Christian growth. As we journey through the stages of our spiritual growth, it is very important that we stay focused on the study of God’s Word, be prayerful, and stay in fellowship with other believers. This is our purpose here at Greater Middle Baptist Church. The following is the structure of our Wednesday Night Services:

Fellowship and refreshments - provided for members coming from work and those arriving early.

Ministry meetings

Devotion - a period to focus on God through prayer.

Prayer Service - prayer requests for persons with special needs and those who are not able to be in the service.

Nurture - “Study to show thyself approved,” 11 Timothy 2:15 and Acts 8:30.

Sunday School Lesson

Pastoral Feedback

Invitation - open invitation for anyone wishing to join the church.

Offering, Announcements, Doxology, Benediction

Children in Action (CIA) Children’s Department

The children/youth of GMBC present numerous programs throughout the year, including Black History Month, Easter, and Christmas. They also participate in the Children’s Choir and are taught lessons about Christ during their own Children’s Period. The CIA department is continuing to grow as the members of GMBC reach out to the community.


Music is an integral part of the worship service. Choir members lift their voices to glorify and praise our living Savior. The Lord commanded:


“Sing aloud unto God our strength: Make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob.”

– Psalm 81

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

– Colossians 3:16

Proved, have a track record whereby his commitment to the Christian faith has been demonstrated.

Mass Choir: Organized in 1959 by the late Rev. Benjamin Hooks, this combined choir consisting of members of all ages, sings during worship service every first, second and third Sunday.

Male Chorus: Organized in 1979 by the late Deacon Charles Turner, members of this choir consist of males of all ages. The male chorus sings every fourth Sunday and frequently at churches throughout the city and across the country.


The Church Deacon

Deacons are ordained by the pastor and serve to assist the pastor in meeting the spiritual needs of the congregation. The office of deacon is one of two church positions that have scriptural guidelines for those who serve in that capacity. They are found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. The deacon must be/have:

Serious, have high and noble ideals, a dignified Christian gentleman.

Honest in Oral Communications, “not double-tongued.”

Temperate, not be “given too much wine.”

Honest, not “greedy of filthy lucre.”

Personal Faith, “hold the mystery of the faith in pure conscience.”

Blameless, possess sound moral character.

Home Leader, have an orderly home environment.

Deacon/Trustees Wives

Membership in this organization consists of deacons’ and trustees’ wives or their widows, ministers’ wives, and female trustees who are members in good standing of Greater Middle Baptist Church. The organization assists wives

1) to become more knowledgeable concerning the work of the church and associations

2) to become more knowledgeable about programs, missionaries and education, and

3) to promote unity, fellowship and communication.

The objectives of this organization are three-fold:

1) to support the lay ministry of deacons and trustees

2) to support Christian education in general and LeMoyne-Owen College in particular and

3) to have Christian fellowship among its members who represent the various churches within the organization.

The Church Trustee

Confidence has been placed in this office for the care and upkeep of the church’s temporal needs. The trustee is not an owner, but a steward who is entrusted with the church’s material welfare. As part of the church’s management team, the care and proper operation of church business is entrusted in the hands of the trustee. Those who would serve as a church trustee should:

1) have an appreciation for and knowledge of the holy scriptures

2) be responsive to the Holy Spirit

3) be a team player and work well with the entire church

4) have peripheral vision

5) have some business experience and knowledge of property and finance

6) love the church.

Mother’s Board

“That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”

– Titus 2:4-5

The Mother’s Board is a group of sincere Christian women who are dedicated to the service of the Lord tolerant, patient, an understanding nature, and a big heart for sharing what they possess with those in need. The mothers serve as helpers to aid the pastor in bringing aid, counsel, comfort and understanding to those in special need and serve as examples for the church membership and younger women. They also aid the pastor in the Holy Communion and Baptism of members.

Missionary Society

The Missionary Society discovers talents and develops leaders through Bible study, evangelism and outreach ministries. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Adults are organized by circles and set up by zip codes:

Julia Lee - 38106, 09, 16 & zip codes west of Airways, south of Parkway

East End - 38111, 14, 15, 18, 19, 38, all other east zip codes

Evie Lynch - 38107, 08, 27, 28, 34, 35

Leath/Ayers Streets - 38105, 01, 03, 04, 26, 12, midtown and downtown

Youth Mission - The purpose of the Youth Mission is to help youth to grow as Jesus grew in stature, in wisdom and in favor with God. The Youth Mission meets each fourth Wednesday at 6 p.m.

Sunshine Band - Boys and Girls, 1 - 3 & 4-8 years

Junior Red Circle Girls, 9 - 11 years

Intermediate Red Circle, 12 - 14 years

Senior Red Circle Girls, 15 - 17 years

Young Women (unmarried), 18 - 35 years

Young Women (married), 18 - 35 years

Junior Crusaders Boys (Explorers), 9 - 11 years

Intermediate Crusaders Boys (Caravaners), 12 - 14 years

Senior Crusaders Boys (Tabs), 15 - 18 years

Birthday Clubs - These were organized by the late Deacon Homer Mitchell to foster full-member participation in extending church activities.

Junior Laymen, 18 - 35 years

Laymen’s League, Men 35 and up

Outreach Ministries

Adopt-A. School – Evans Elementary

Tutorial Enrichment Center

- Math, Reading, Writing, Spelling

- Charm Clinic

- College/Career Day

Church Nursery - operated by the young women of the church

Thanksgiving Baskets

Food Pantry

Annual Programs

Seasonal Tea/Family Day

Ladies in Hats

National Day of Prayer

Church Ushers

Ushers perform a unique ministry, making certain that the worship service is orderly. They are members in good standing and possess these six qualifications: Christianity, Courtesy, Alertness, Promptness, Courageousness and Discipline. Ushers:

1) Are in place several minutes before worship service to greet people before and after worship services.

2) Seat people at times when their entrance will not disturb the service.

3) Seat people near the front and center if possible.

4) Distribute the church bulletin or other materials to the worshipper before he or she is seated.

5) Are familiar with physical facilities, offices, phone, first aid and are prepared to assist whenever necessary.

7) Help maintain order.

6) Are alert to needs of individuals during the service.


Greeters Committee

Originally the Hostess Committee, organized in July 1997 by the late Doris Williams, GMBC Greeters welcome visitors to our worship services. They are the first persons worshippers meet before entering the sanctuary. Their goal is not only to greet visitors, but to support our church spiritually and financially. Duties include:

Greet visitors and members at the door each Sunday and make them feel welcome with warm smiles, handshakes and words of welcome.

Serve during other church functions or activities, such as funerals and dinners.

Work closely with the Usher Board in distributing literature, visitor cards, and other needed materials.

Help coordinate special projects and programs.

Scholarship Committee

The Frances Dancy-Hooks Scholarship Committee was organized to assist active Greater Middle Baptist Church students with finances relating to higher education. Committee members solicit donations, coordinate events/activities to raise funds, and review scholarship applications submitted by students. Scholarships are awarded based on need during the fall and spring semesters. For rules and guidelines governing application, contact the church office.

Communion Service at Allenbrooke Nursing Center

As a community outreach function, members of the October Birthday Ministry and Deacon Board sponsor a communion service for the occupants of Allenbrooke Nursing home each third Thursday at 10 a.m. All members are invited.

Audio and Communications

Members of this committee manage the sound and recording equipment in the main sanctuary, small chapel, fellowship hall and gymnasium. All Sunday morning worship services and special events are recorded and available in audio/digital format.

Workers’ Council

Each church organization should be aware of its role and should work with other organizations to realize the common goals of the church. For the good and harmony of the church, ministry leaders and representatives meet quarterly to report on activities and financials of the group. The president, vice president and secretary of each auxiliary are members of the Workers’ Council; however, all members of the church are invited to participate in this group.

Women’s Ministry | Men’s Ministry


The main goal of this committee is to ensure that members who want to attend Wednesday Night Serves and Sunday worship serves have transportation to and from the church. Members of this group are licensed to operate the church bus.


Bereavement Committee

Members of this committee coordinate with the families of members/relatives who have passed away. Assistance is provided with securing program participants, flowers and other gifts, as well as preparing and reading resolutions during the service.

Sick and Shut-in Visitation

Each Saturday, beginning at 10 a.m., members of this ministry gather to visit sick and shut-in members to offer prayer, song, and sometimes communion.

Food Pantry

On the third Wednesday of each month, members of this committee collect and distribute food to families who are food insecure in our church and community. The food is provided by Feeding America. For information regarding the food pantry, please contact the church office, (901) 367-0103

Health Ministry

New Membership

The purpose of this committee is to assist the pastor with “taking in” individuals who want to become members of Greater Middle Baptist Church. Committee members also spotlight new members of the church and make them aware of the “rights and privileges” of all members.

Seniors Ministry

Christian Education: Leadership Training, Vacation Bible School

The fundamental purpose of Christian education is growth and development in Jesus Christ.


“Moreover, it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful.”

– 1Corinthians 4:2

God calls us to be faithful on His program of uplifting the Kingdom. Therefore, members of the Stewardship Committee create opportunities to emphasize using all of the gifts that God has bestowed: time, talent, temple, treasure, and testimony.

“Prepare today for tomorrow…not equal gifts, but equal sacrifice”


As part of the church’s community outreach, willing members donate an hour of their time from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays to tutor first and second grade students at neighboring Evans Elementary, our adopted school.